Doné van Wyk, an inspirational female keynote speaker spoke about mindfulness for peak performance and brain training techniques for success.
Mastering mindfulness
Science, according to van Wyk, has proven that being in the moment allows us to be more attentive and gives our pre-frontal cortex the capacity to be calm, and clear and to make difficult decisions.
“Mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment and to disregard anything that distracts us from being fully involved in the moment. When we master this, we can have perspective and use our entire brain system to optimise our lives,” she said.
“In a world where females are expected to always be “on” and juggle multiple balls, it is easy to lose sight of the moment and go into overdrive or default mode. We know from research that multitasking is a mere myth and that we are sure to drop some of these balls we are keeping in the air if we are not mindful. It is also of vital importance that females are mindful of their own health and mental well-being. When we are expected to be businesswomen, spouses, moms, run a household, be a super friend, do homework and be a kind nurturer, our self-care often falls by the wayside,” she added.
“We need to manage our stress, be mindful and choose our thoughts and what we want to be. We need to be careful of what we plant in our brains because we end up attracting it,” she cautioned.
Brain training techniques
The brain training techniques for success, according to van Wyk, are:
• Multiple brain integration – trusting head, heart and gut to operate in their highest expressions;
• Flow – the ability to be effective and happy and in the zone at the same time;
• Gratitude – daily focus on the things that are good in your life, voicing it, writing it down, and testifying about it;
• Intentions – setting your life GPS every morning to where you want to go, what you want to achieve and who you want to be; and
• Kinaesthetic interruptions – choosing better alternatives for your old habits or ways of doing and interrupting those old habits with mental cues and actions.
“We can do super cool things with our brains if we understand how we are designed and how malleable we are,” she said.
“We are expected to do more, be more and give more than ever before. This requires that we take up a new position of focus, mindfulness and identity. Turbulence is a given, but turmoil does not have to be,” she concluded.
A charitable cause
As customary, members were asked to bring along R100 for the nominated charity, Tears Foundation. We also asked the ladies to bring along sanitary pads, which will be donated to schoolgirls.
We would like to thank each one of you for your donations.
Lucky draws
A few lucky ladies walked away with prizes. Congratulations to all our lucky draw prize winners who walked away with amazing prizes:
1. Bair Recruitment 1 x Woolworths voucher, valued at R2500.
2. Beyonda sponsored 2 x Woolworths vouchers to the value of R1 000 each.
3. Charter Risk sponsored 2 x R500 Sorbet vouchers.
4. Digicall Group sponsored 1 x Nespresso Coffee Machine valued at R2 400.
5. Elite Risk Acceptances sponsored 1 x gift pack containing a notebook, pen, scarf and keyholder.
6. Growth in Motion sponsored a skills course package valued at R1 900.
7. HIC sponsored a Mowana Spa voucher, valued at R1 000.
8. MUA sponsored 3 x Home Essentials Diffusers valued at R300 each.
9. Oaktree sponsored 3 x clean living “bamboost” glass water bottles, with rechargeable emergency lanterns with power-bank capabilities, and 10 stun guns/tasers (self-defence), as well as 10 aerosol pepper spray (also self-defence).
10. Paton Personnel sponsored 2 x dining experience vouchers at the Fireroom Montecasino valued at R1 000 each.
11. PG Glass sponsored 1 x R750 Woolworths voucher and 1 x R750 Exclusive Books voucher
12. Road Trip sponsored 2 x Road Trip vouchers for 25kms.
13. Sapphire Risk Transfer sponsored 1 x Woolworths voucher valued at R1 500
14. Western National sponsored 4 x laptop bags valued at R700 each.
Thank you
GWII would like to thank main sponsors Camargue Underwriting Managers, Emerald Africa and NVDB Attorneys, co-sponsors Garrun Group and Leppard & Associates, complementary sponsors KHR Attorneys, Lloyd’s and Swiss Re and photography sponsor, Lombard for their sponsorship and support for this event. Without our sponsors this would not be possible.
And to all the ladies, thank you for attending this event. We hope Doné inspired you with the brain training techniques for success.